34a Eastgate Street, Stafford
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- Now Let
- Rent:
- £5,950 per annum
- Size:
350 sq.ft. (32.52 sq.m.)
- On-site car parking space at rear
- Suitable for a variety of retail or non-retail uses
- Available for early occupation
- Rates free from April 2019, subject to tenant qualifying criteria
The property is situated in Stafford Town Centre on the north side of Eastgate Street, between its junctions with Cope Street and Clarke Street in an area dominated by commercial users and close to the entrance to the Riverside Shopping Development where Primark, Marks & Spencer and a number of other well-known national retailers are represented.
The property comprises part of a two-storey brick and tile building providing a group of four retail units, the others being used as a haberdashery shop and by an accountancy practice incorporating offices above.
The subject premises have been used as a hairdressers for a number of years and provide a retail area with a partitioned rear section. The accommodation would be suitable for a wide variety of retail purposes or for non-retail use subject to any planning consent considered appropriate by the relevant local authority.