2 Bailey Street, Stafford
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- Now Let
- Rent:
- £5,500 per annum
- Size:
190 sq.ft. (17.65 sq.m.)
- Immediate availability
- Adjacent to the Stafford Cinema
- On the town’s main leisure circuit
- Rates free from March 2017 (subject to criteria)
The property is situated in the conservation area at the southern end of Stafford town centre on the west side of Bailey Street close to its junctions with Lichfield Road, Bridge Street and Newport Road, immediately adjacent to an Indian restaurant and in an area characterised by a mix of local trader retail and leisure uses.
The premises form part of the Stafford Cinema building and comprise a small self-contained lock-up retail unit providing sales space on the ground floor with a timber and glazed frontage, has most recently been used as a barber shop and would be suitable for a wide variety of alternative retail purposes or for non-retail use subject to the appropriate planning consent.
The availability of the property offers an ideal opportunity for an ingoing tenant to acquire a town centre trading presence in an accessible location at a reasonable rental and, subject to certain criteria, free from the payment of business rates.