17 Market Place, Cannock
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- Now Let
- Rent:
- £17,500 per annum
- Size:
1,360 sq.ft. (126.35 sq.m.)
- Retail area - 485 sq.ft. (45.06 sq.m.)
- Ancillary area - 875 sq.ft. (81.29 sq.m.)
- Town centre location
- Prominently situated
- Rear parking and servicing area
The property is prominently situated in Cannock town centre in a prime trading location on the south side of Market Place between its junctions with Church Street and Wolverhampton Road. Nationally known traders in the vicinity include branches of POUNDLAND, LADBROKES, BRITISH HEART, WH SMITH, POST OFFICE, BOOTS and BARCLAYS BANK.
The property is of three-storey brick and tile construction with a flat roofed extension to the rear and provides a retail unit on the ground floor with an aluminium and glazed shop front, ancillary storage space on the upper floors and rear loading and staff parking facilities.
The premises have been used for a number of years as a charity shop and would be suitable for a wide variety of alternative retail types or for non-retail use subject to any planning consent considered appropriate by the relevant local authority.