23 Salter Street, Stafford
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- Now Let
- Rent:
- £8,950 per annum
- Size:
630 sq.ft. (58.53 sq.m.)
- Town centre location
- Competitive rental
- Immediately available
- Close to proposed Morrisons
- Public parking nearby
The property is situated in the town centre on the east side of Salter Street, between its junctions with Greengate Street and Market Street and close to branches of CORAL, AGE UK and HALPIN MENSWEAR.
The premises are on the main pedestrian route from the Kingsmead short and long-stay car parks which are due to be developed to provide a new Morrisons store with associated retail space and an increase in the parking provision in this part of the town.
The property forms part of a two-storey development of retail units and has until recently been used as a dry cleaners but would be suitable for a wide variety of alternative retail purposes.
The accommodation provides sales space on the ground floor together with a storage area and W.C. facilities at first floor level.