1 Market Street, Stafford
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- Now Let
- Rent:
- £50,000 per annum
- Size:
3,430 sq.ft. (318.66 sq.m.)
- Town centre position
- Close to multiple retailers
- Extensive ancillary areas
- Early availability
- Larger than average unit
The property is situated in thetown centre on the north side of Market Street, between its junctions with Market Square and Salter Street/Eastgate Street and close to branches of HIDDEN HEARING, LLOYDS BANK, AGE CONCERN, CORAL and BOOTS.
The premises form part of a three-storey development of shops and have latterly been used for the sale of fashionwear, having previously been let to Ethel Austin, but would be suitable for a wide variety of alternative retail purposes.
The accommodation provides an extensive sales area on the ground floor together with stockroom and ancillary space at first and second floor levels.
The availability of the unit provides an ideal opportunity for a retailer to acquire a retail outlet of a size that has historically proved difficult to secure in this busy market town.