1a Upper Brook Street, Rugeley
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- Now Let
- Rent:
- £12,500 per annum
- Size:
1,340 sq.ft. (124.49 sq.m.)
- Town centre location
- Retail area - 885 sq.ft.
- Competitive rental
- Security shutters fitted
- Ancillary space above
- Rear servicing
- Adjacent to Coral, Lloyds TSB
- Close to Boots, Specsavers
- Near to Barclays, WH Smith
The property is prominently situated in the town centre on the east side of Upper Brook Street, close to its junction with Brook Square and a number of national multiple retailers including CLAIRES ACCESSORIES, W H SMITH, BARCLAYS BANK, THOMAS COOK, SPECSAVERS, BOOTS, CORAL and LLOYDS TSB.
The property forms part of a development of two units and is of two-storey flat-roofed brick construction providing a retailing area on the ground floor with staff, stockroom and W.C. facilities at first floor level.
An aluminium and glazed shop front with a recessed entrance protected by manually-operated security shutters is fitted and access for loading and unloading purposes is from the rear.
The premises have previously been used for the sale of jewellery but would be suitable for a wide variety of alternative trading or possibly for non-retail usage subject to any planning consent considered appropriate by the relevant local authority.
Millar Sandy are joint agents with Pennycuick Collins, 9 The Square, 111 Broad Street, Birmingham, B15 1AS.