35 Weston Road, Littleworth, Stafford
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- For Sale / To Let
- Price:
- Offers in region of £187,500
- Rent:
- £15,000 per annum
- Size:
720 sq.ft. (66.89 sq.m.)
- Main road location
- Suitable for a variety of retail or non-retail purposes subject to planning
- Previous consent for hot food takeaway use
- Immediately available
- • Self-contained two/three bedroomed flat above
- Busy neighbourhood shopping area
- Close to Co-op Convenience Store, Bargain Booze and Pizza Hut oulets
- Business rates free subject to occupier qualification
The property is prominently situated at Littleworth on the north side of the A518 Weston Road between its junctions with Corporation Street and Hatherton Street and approximately a third of a mile east from Stafford Town Centre.
A Co-op Convenience Store, Post Office, Fish and Chip Shop, Pizza outlet, off-licence and pharmacy are among other traders represented nearby.
The property is of two-storey semi-detached brick and tile construction with the ground floor providing a retail unit with a timber and glazed shop front installed together with, at first floor and attic levels, a self-contained two/three-bedroomed flat.
Previously used as an off-licence, the commercial space would be suitable for a variety of retail and non-retail purposes subject to any planning permission considered appropriate by the relevant local authority and particularly benefits from the availability of time limited on-street public parking at the front.
A now-expired planning consent granted permission for the use of the retail part as a hot food takeaway, the renewal of which might be a formality.