1-2 Trent Close, Great Haywood, Stafford
- Type:
- Restaurant/Hot Food
- Status
- Now Let
- Rent:
- £19,500 per annum
- Size:
760 sq.ft. (70.61 sq.m.)
- Refurbished two-bedroomed flat included but can be excluded
- Unopposed village location
- Just off main road
- Forecourt parking
- Suitable for a variety of retail or non-retail uses subject to planning consent
- Business rates free subject to tenant qualification
The property is prominently situated in the centre of Great Haywood just off the east side of Main Road between its junctions with Church View and The Square. The street scene is dominated by residential property with a doctor's surgery opposite and a pharmacy adjacent.
The property comprises an upgraded two-storey building of brick and tile construction forming part of a block of two and provides extensive retail space at ground floor level with a timber and glazed shop front fitted, together with a separately accessed two-bedroomed flat above.
The residential accommodation has been recently refurbished to a high standard with a new kitchen and bathroom and double glazing installed.
The commercial part has in the past been used as a convenience store and now has the benefit of a planning consent for hot food takeaway use but would be suitable for a wide variety of other retail or non-retail trades subject to any planning permission required by the relevant local authority.