01785 244400


St Albans House Enterprise Centre, St Albans Road, Stafford, has been successfully let. This three-storey office building situated on a well-established industrial estate has been converted to a high standard by Staffordshire County Council to accommodate thirty-eight single office units providing floor areas from 145 sq.ft. (13.47 sq.m.) to 985 sq.ft. (91.51 sq.m.). The current thirty-six tenants include the Crime Concern Trust, Greggs plc, Ainleys Accountants, Gemini Group, Action Housing and Support UK, XSEO, Octopus Public Relations, Groves and McCarthy Marketing, Ambuline Limited and Athena Architectural Services. The scheme's partners include Advantage West Midlands, Stafford Borough Council and Stafford Enterprise. Millar Sandy acted as sole letting agents.